Foreign products packaged in Macedonia are considered domestic


However, a product manufactured and packaged abroad for a particular Macedonian brand or supermarket chain, is not considered domestic.

The Ministry of Finance published a manual on its website: “I buy domestic products” which contains 16 frequently asked questions, and which aims to explain what is meant by “Macedonian products” that can be purchased with a home payment card.

“For the purposes of purchasing with the domestic payment card, a product can be considered as a domestic – Macedonian product, if they are products and goods for final consumption produced by legal and natural persons performing business activities, residents of the Republic of North Macedonia, except alcoholic beverages, tobacco and tobacco processing ‘, reads the manual.

It is also specified that a product will be considered domestic if the packaging has the label “Made in Macedonia”, or “Made in North Macedonia”.

It is interesting to note that the Argentine hake, which is packaged in the country in bags of a certain weight, is also considered a domestic product. The situation is similar with many other products from foreign countries.

“If a legal or natural person performing economic activity in the Republic of North Macedonia packs certain foreign goods (for example, hazelnuts, almonds, fish, prunes) in a way that certain mechanical processing is performed, for example – unpacking, checking, calibrating, measuring and packaging, then that product can be considered domestic. Its packaging should include “Made in Macedonia”, or “Made in the Republic of North Macedonia”, indicating the country of origin at the same time, the manual states.

But a product, manufactured and packaged abroad for a particular Macedonian brand or supermarket chain, is not considered domestic.

The manual also states that all services – in bakeries, restaurants, hairdressers, beauty salons, which are registered as Macedonian companies, are considered domestic service.

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