Party job ads have opened – Ministries in search of advisors


Two weeks after its formation, the government launched a new series of party employments.

Namely, only two days ago, an announcement was published for employment of three special advisers in the cabinet of Minister of Defense Radmila Sekerinska. But this is not the only announcement, and the cabinet of the Minister of Education and Science is looking to hire three advisors.

According to the job ad, different profiles are required, and according to the position, the salary ranges from 30,000 to 60,000 denars.

As a reminder, the ruling SDSM, while in opposition, almost did not spend a day without holding a party press conference to accuse the administration of being partisan and being abused for party purposes and that the administration was overstaffed.

But, now while in power we see that what they most like is the employment in state institutions where instead of professional staff with appropriate education, SDSM hires party soldiers.

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