Opposition MP calls on the EU and the OSCE to monitor the “Powerman” trial against him


Opposition MP Antonio Miloshoski, one of the defendants in the “Powerman” case, has already informed and invited this case to follow the “Coalition for a Fair Trial”, the OSCE Mission and the EU Mission, in order to see for themselves that this is an arbitrary , legally unfounded and politically motivated case, reports Plusinfo.

Regarding the announcement for the European monitoring of court cases in Macedonia, he said that the fact that Macedonia will be the first country in the region where OSCE and EU legal experts will monitor high-profile court cases, is not a praise for the country, but only a confirmation that a large part of the domestic and international public does not view the situation in the judiciary with confidence.

“But when such legal oversight by the OSCE and the EU already appears as a necessity in the Macedonian system, then it can be useful for increasing legality and transparency, especially in cases that the prosecution conducts mainly for political motives, and without sound legal basis, as I consider the case they are conducting against me,” says Miloshoski.

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