Son of the brother of a senior SDSM official in a clinch with people from the Grchec cartel


    The son of the brother of a senior political official from the ruling SDSM had an incident last weekend in a renown Skopje bar near the Ministry of Health, reports NetPress.

    According to eyewitnesses, the young man was under the influence of alcohol, and apparently obsessed with the political power of his uncle and the economic power of his father, both from Strumica, he started insulting and provoking some of the guests at the restaurant, who were at the front door. After the verbal confrontation and the insults of some of the guests, they started shoving and pushing.

    During the incident, the young man from Strumica was loudly explaining to the audience whose son and nephew he was. But several boys on his opposite side told him that they were not interested in that, explaining that they were from the Skopje village of Grchec and that his uncle’s high political position and his father’s name meant nothing to them. Fortunately, the security in the restaurant managed to separate the two sides, and calm the situation, after which they all left, the man from Strumica, who eyewitnesses say was drunk and caused the incident, as well as the boys from the Skopje village Grchec.

    The Skopje village of Grchec is mentioned in police notes as the headquarters of a criminal group that has grown stronger in recent years and is allegedly involved in several deadly clashes with a rival group from the village of Aracinovo, also near Skopje, which also appears to have collaborators and in the ranks of the police. Because of that, obviously the case of Saturday’s incident did not stop there.

    The next day, a driver and part of the security of the young man’s father from Strumica, along with part of the security of the SDSM government official, went to a previously agreed meeting with members of the Grchec clan in an exclusive hotel in Skopje City Park. At the meeting, the members of the Grchec clan accepted the offer for reconciliation, but on condition that the young man from Strumica personally apologized.

    NetPress’s sources say that this is not the first incident of young man from Strumica, whose uncle is a senior SDSM government official. Namely, last weekend he had an unsuccessful attempt to enter the same club, because he came in a gang of a dozen boys from Strumica. The security of the place did not allow any of them to enter.

    Whether this time the young man from Strumica felt empowered that he managed to enter, so he needed to be provoked and the other guests, remains unknown.

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