Two MPs infected with coronavirus and one with fracture came to the Parliament session


Two MPs infected with coronavirus came to the Parliament Sunday to vote. One MP’s isolation ended yesterday. Besides them, an MP who had a fracture will be attending, said coordinator of the SDSM parliamentary group Jovan Mitreski on Sunday’s press briefing.

He said that the presence of MPs who are infected with COVID-19 is according to all protocols. They will not be present in the hall with all MPs, but with a special elevator and in the hallways they will be escorted to booths where they will vote and then they will leave according to the same protocol.

Mitreski said that this is why a few months ago they asked for online sessions, which the opposition did not accept, according to him, to bring the country in this situation, to block laws that should provide funding for citizens to help the economy issues arising from the coronacrisis.

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