Iotova: The arson at the Bitola Cultural Center is part of the mass anti-Bulgarian campaign, we have been accustomed to such incidents for years and that is the biggest reason for the veto


I really expect the competent Macedonian authorities to do their jobs and conduct an in-depth investigation, find the culprits and punish them very severely. Neither Bulgaria nor RNM currently needs additional tensions. Even more so when negotiations between the two countries are at zero point, when European partners expect the PCM to meet the criteria and conditions set by Bulgaria, Bulgarian Vice President Iliana Iotova told BNR.

Iotova commented on the incident with the fire, ie the burning front door of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute “Ivan Mihailov” in Bitola.

“We have been accustomed to such incidents for years and this is the biggest reason for Bulgaria’s veto. We have our mandatory 4 plus 1 conditions and until we see that they are met by RNM, regardless of the pressure from our European partners, regardless of geopolitical considerations, we cannot betray the interests of the Bulgarians there,” the Bulgarian Vice President added.



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