Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew: This event is a proof of the greatness of the gift of the Mother Church to your people, but also of the responsibility you bear, entering the pan-Orthodox world


At the end of Sunday’s joint liturgy between the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and the Archbishop HH Stefan in Phanar, Istanbul, the Patriarch gave his sermon in Greek language.

“We believe that this event means your full understanding of the greatness of the gift of the Mother Church to your people, but also of the responsibility you bear, entering the pan-Orthodox world from today. Enlightened by the grace of the Comforter, we pray, beg and beg from the life-giving Holy Spirit, the renewing and the omnipotent, the sweet and who heals the wounds, who complements the human shortcomings, who challenges our hearts – to establish you in the truth, to multiply you in the faith, to make you wise in the fight for the church, so that we, your common father and advocate, the first and the last among the bishops of the Eastern Church of Christ, may rejoice spiritually for you and for your deeds; that in them the glorious name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit may be hallowed, constantly, now and always and in the ages to come.


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