We have information that the anti-Macedonian SDS is preparing a plan to reject the referendum initiative, says Lefkov


The anti-Macedonian SDS is preparing a plan, scared of the people, to reject the Referendum Initiative. They are aware that over 60% of Macedonians support the Referendum and would go to it, they are preparing a scenario even if it does not happen at all, this was pointed out by Mile Lefkov from VMRO-DPMNE today in a press conference.

“In such a scenario, the main role should be played by Talat Xhaferi, who will only implement what was given by Kovachevski. The government knows that the vast majority of the people who will go to the referendum will vote for the annulment of the Treaty with Bulgaria, and that’s why they are running away. The people will go to the referendum because they know that the agreement with Bulgaria is the root of all the negations of the Macedonian language, history, and identity. There must be a referendum, because it is the highest form of democracy. We urge the anti-Macedonian SDS and Kovachevski, not to dare to humiliate the people. In addition, if the government believes that the Treaty with Bulgaria is good and it finds support among the people, then why is it afraid to put it to the referendum? Or else they admit that they lied and manipulated all this time, and signed an agreement that is not in accordance with the will of the people,” says Lefkov.



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