VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM give support to passing a law that will prohibit the opening of fascist clubs


The MPs from both the government and the opposition in the Parliament unanimously supported, after a fast-track procedure, the adoption of the legal solutions that prohibit the formation of associations and parties with disputed names and ideologies.

The proposal was elaborated by MP Rashela Mizrahi from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE, noting that it should put an end to the opening of associations and foundations whose programs, goals, activities and actions are aimed at the violent demolition of the country’s constitutional order, at inciting and calling for military action. aggression, as well as inciting national, racial, religious hatred or other intolerance, hatred, genocide, extermination, spreading or supporting, encouraging and endorsing fascism, Nazism, National Socialism or activities contrary to the Constitution.

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