Number of hospitalized patients due to COVID-19 increases by 32 percent, Infectious Diseases Clinic urges citizens to be responsible


No matter that the numbers are not what they were, we must not allow ourselves not to protect ourselves. The point is not to be afraid and panic, but to care and be responsible, said Dr. Milena Stevanovikj, the director of the Clinic for Infectious Diseases.

There are currently five to six hospitalized patients at the Clinic, while about ten patients come to the outpatient clinic daily.

Stevanovikj says that diagnostically, COVID and flu have similar symptoms at the given moment, such as elevated temperature, severe headache, weakness, and for that reason they require patients to be tested.

According to the data from the Institute of Public Health, in the period from November 21 to 27, 2022, 174 new cases of COVID-19 were registered. Two deceased persons have been reported in the past week.


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