Security situation is disturbed, citizens are concerned, Spasovski can’t find who is sending false bomb threats for two months, says VMRO-DPMNE


The security situation in Macedonia is disturbed. It is alarming that every day we have false bomb threats in public facilities, and the Ministry of Interior cannot find who sends them for months, said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Friday.

Every day, the school hours of thousands of students in Skopje secondary schools are disrupted, students, teaching staff and parents are disturbed. Today, due to false bomb threats, panic was caused in shopping malls, but also in public facilities such as the Railway Station. Thousands of citizens are in fear and under pressure every day.

As a NATO member, we must not be in constant convulsion and fear of terrorist activities, and the government is not capable of protecting the population and maintaining public order and peace.

Responsibility for not dealing with the situation lies at the top of the Ministry of Interior. Oliver Spasovski has the authority as Minister of Interior to ensure public order and peace and to guarantee security within the country. Spasovski is not able solve the issue, said the opposition party.



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