Mijalkov’s lawyers: The decision of the Appellate Court is fair and based on evidence, officials should not interfere


Sasho Mijalkov’s defense team welcomes the decision of the Skopje Appellate Court because, according to the defense, it was legal and fair and based on the evidence and facts stated in the appeal filed against the first-instance verdict.
“During the entire main hearing, the defense pointed to numerous violations of the law. Injuries that led to an unfounded and legally unsustainable verdict. Instead of answering all the open questions surrounding the illegal monitoring of communications, the Basic Court, without arguments and evidence, issued a conviction against our client. A verdict that was clearly not going to stand up to scrutiny in the higher court,” says Mijalkov’s legal team.
“The current political attacks on the judicial council in the Court of Appeal in Skopje, which decided on the submitted appeals for the case, are unacceptable and deserve the most serious condemnation”, adds the defense.

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