Talks on constitutional amendments after New Year’s, according to Kovachevski, they will not be the final decision on the EU path


Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski believes that processes that are of strategic importance for the state, such as constitutional amendments, cannot be subject to blackmail, but are a matter of principles – whether someone supports or does not support the European path. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, on the other hand, announced that starting next week the talks will be intensified to ensure a two-thirds majority in the Parliament, for the start of the process to change the Constitution.
Prime Minister Kovacevski considered that the issue of constitutional amendments is a serious, statesmanship issue and in the conditions when the country started negotiations with the EU, through the screening process, now everything depends on us regarding the further movement along the European path.
“Conditions for such a question are really unacceptable. Instead, I call, have called and will call for a broad social and political consensus for the European path of the state,” stressed Kovachevski, in response to a media question about the announcement of the leader of Besa, Bilal Kasami, that the party will support the constitutional amendments, if the Government agrees to schedule snap parliamentary elections next spring.

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