Abazi filed a case and delegated a prosecutor for Boki 13’s “bombs”


The head of the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Corruption, Islam Abazi, established a case and delegated a public prosecutor who will interrogate Bojan Jovanovski-Boki 13 and who will take the so-called “bombs” i.e. audio conversations, video recordings, transcripts. The Prosecutor’s Office in a statement for Makfax indicates that they will take all the materials from Boki 13, which the convict indicated are evidence of crimes committed by persons from politics, the justice system and the business elite.
“The basic public prosecutor, acting on the letter, formed a case that has already been assigned to the public prosecutor who is in charge of hearing the convicted person and, based on the statement and the material evidence that the convicted person possesses, to refer to the basic public prosecutor and make a decision on further action. The Prosecutor’s Office encourages everyone who has any information and evidence of committed crimes to report them to the Prosecutor’s Office in accordance with their competences”, the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Corruption told Makfax.

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