Supreme Court President: It is in the interest of the citizens and the state to overcome the situation in the Judicial Council


Supreme Court President Besa Ademi has urged for a resolution of the situation in the Judicial Council in the interest of the state and its citizens.

“The Supreme Court, as the top court in the country and pillar of the judicial authority, highlights the fact that all stakeholders in the sector must focus their activities at this crucial time to the realization of the recommendations noted in the relevant progress reports for the Republic of North Macedonia, such as the ones by the European Commission and the U.S. State Department. We encourage the Judicial Council to resolve the situation, primarily in the interest of the citizens, and continue with the efforts to draft a Judiciary Reform Strategy, the required legislative changes and the application of European standards, judiciary independence and efficiency, fight against corruption, transparency and restoration of public trust,” said Ademi on Friday.

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