Government paid EUR 167 million without anything being undertaken on the corridors, opposition accuses


VMRO-DPMNE MP Mile Lefkov, in an interview with Kanal 5 TV, pointed out that millions will be paid for corridors 8 and 10-d, for nothing, i.e. without anything being taken on the ground, at the same time, the government does not deny that penalties will be paid, but only says that these will be additional costs.
We have huge sums of taxpayer’s money to be paid for damages. At no point do they deny it, they say that there are no penalties, it will just cost more. The contract was signed on March 8, 2023, from that date within 45 days the first payment of 50 million euros of advance payment. About 117 million, 80 million euros within 14 days, and the others within 45 days. So 167 million euros without doing anything,” Lefkov stressed.

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