SSM calls MPs to be reasonable – 72 hours of working time must not be allowed


Before the beginning of the Parliament session on Wednesday, the Federation  of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM), whose agenda includes amendments to the Law on Labor Relations, called the MPs to really consider how they will vote.

“We call for reason, respect for human and labor rights, respect for civilizational benefits, 8 hours of work, 8 hours of recreation, 8 hours of rest. We invite the MPs to join us the workers, us the trade unions, the appeals of the European and world trade unions, the appeals of the European Commission and the EU ambassador in Macedonia, the experts, the citizens and oppose the introduction of a 72-hour working week for a huge number of workers and we call on them in every way, with all mechanisms, to fight against the inhuman and non-European values ​​that a group of MPs and a few ministers want to impose,” reads the SSM’s statement.

The SSM calls on the MPs from the smaller political parties to demonstrate their grace and that they too are important and significant in the Parliament and to oppose the proposal of the Law on Labor Relations.

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