Siljanovska-Davkova to hand over the mandate for formation of new government next week


Macedonian President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova is to hand over a mandate for the formation of a new government next week, informed the President’s Office.

The deadline for granting the mandate to form the next government is set to expire on June 7.

According to the Constitution, the President is obliged, within ten days of the constitution of the Parliament, to entrust the mandate for the formation of the Government to the party, or parties, holding the majority in the Parliament. The mandate holder, within twenty days from the day of receiving the mandate, is required to submit to the Parliament the composition and program of the government.

The Government is elected by the Parliament on the proposal of the mandate holder and on the basis of the program by a majority vote of the total number of MPs.

The constitutive session of the new Parliament was held on Tuesday, at which the Parliament has elected Afrim Gashi to the post of Parliament Speaker.

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