Proposed names for the government are old Gruevski staff and people like Mucunski who have not done anything as mayors, says SDSM MP


When we read the names you proposed, I can only say welcome back Gruevski, when Vlado Misajlovski, Zlatko Perinski, Ljupcho Dimovski, Aleksandar Nikolovski, Zoran Ljutkov are here, then Gruevski is here too. We read here names that are connected with crime, with crime and their hands deep in the honeypot. Which means they have the least legitimacy to be ministers. In this composition, there are ministers who can hardly wait for their term as mayor to end. Such is Timcho Mucunski. We do not know why he deserves to be elected as a minister. He will be remembered as a mayor who has not implemented a single project in the Municipality of Aerodrom, SDSM MP Daniela Nikolovska said in Parliament on Saturday.
“You came to power with manipulations of patriotic feelings and lies for which there is nothing now. Just as Mucunski promised to cancel stamps for buildings and ends the term with a new DUP for new buildings,” the MP added.
“According to what VMRO-DPMNE promised during the whole period, both as an opposition and in the pre-election, we expected today to see how Macedonia will become proud again and the North will never become a reality. That we will hear how you will change the Negotiating Framework, how you will abolish or change the Prespa Agreement, but none of that. There is nothing about how salaries and pensions will go up, there is nothing about how they will fight against corruption and crime,” said the SDSM MP.

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