Electricity price for households to go up by 0.4 percent


The Regulatory Commission for Energy, Water Services and Municipal Waste Management Services (ERC) informs that the universal supplier EVN Home properly applied the tariff system when drawing up a decision on new prices, distributing the costs by blocks in such a way that the price of electricity by 88% from the households that are in the first and second blocks, increases by 0.4% from the next month.

“For 88% of the households that are in the first and second block, the price of electricity has a correction of 0.4%.” For those consumers who are in the third block, which is about eight percent of households, the price increases by 0.48%, and for the fourth block the price has increased by 0.57%,” said the ERC president Marko Bislimoski , and assessed that there was no to cause price shocks with the new electricity price.

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