We did everything as a nation, it’s Europe’s turn to do something in return


Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, speaking about the inclusion of Bulgarians in the Macedonian Constitution in an interview with Al Jazeera, emphasized that the Government’s position on this issue is clear and unchanged and that two questions should be answered in that direction, i.e. what is the reason for including Bulgarians to the Constitution and what the country would gain from it.

During the interview, Mickoski asked the question whether Macedonia was guaranteed that this would be the last concession that the country would have to make.

“Because assurances that this is the last we have heard since the early ‘90s when we changed our name, changed our flag, changed our banknotes, made a new territorial claim, had a military conflict, changed the Constitution several times and always the message from Brussels was – just this and you are the best in the class, you are the ones who will be the first, but unfortunately everyone passed, and we still remained in the corridor waiting for the door to be opened for us, to sit down and negotiate,” stressed Mickoski.

The PM emphasized that the Macedonian people did everything like no other nation and that now it is Europe’s turn to do something in return, and the December meeting of the European Council was proof that when you want, you can do anything.


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