Skopje marks 61 years since devastating earthquake


Friday marks the 61st anniversary of the 1963 deadly earthquake, which killed 1,070 people and 3,000 were injured.

In memory of the catastrophic Skopje earthquake, Friday at 9 p.m. in the Museum of Contemporary Art, as part of the Summer Cinema, the experimental documentary film “Screen for Skopje” (1988, 31′) by the Polish film director, actress and producer Malgorzata Potocka will be projected.

The deadly earthquake occurred at five hours and 17 minutes, and there were smaller tremors until five hours and 43 minutes. 15,800 apartments were demolished and 28,000 were damaged. Over 200,000 people were left homeless.

After the tragedy, the International Red Cross urged all national organizations to organize food deliveries, and the Inter-Parliamentary Union recommended to all parliaments and governments to help rebuild the city. Humanitarian organizations from many countries approached to collect aid, and the UN took actions to plan and long-term to help the devastated city.

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