In relation to the speculations published on social networks that unsafe products (soup stock cubes) are being sold on the market, the Macedonian Food and Veterinary Agency (FVA) informs the public that in connection with the notification received about imported potentially unsafe products – beef stock cube of the manufacturer “Podravka”, series 0507241, with a shelf life of 07.05.2025 and chicken stock cube series 0307241, with a shelf life of 07.03.2025, after the extraordinary inspection in the warehouse of the importing company, determined is that the entire imported quantity of the products with the indicated series and expiration dates has not been put into circulation, that is, the potentially unsafe products are in the importer’s warehouse.
There are 2,400 pieces of beef stock cubes of 120 grams each imported on 15.07.2024 and the same amount of chicken cubes imported on 16.07.2024, all with the indicated batches and deadlines in the notification received on Tuesday late afternoon, through the System for EU rapid alert for unsafe food and feed (RASFF – Window) with reference number 2024.5845.
After the extraordinary supervision, the FVA food inspector issued the food operator a ban on putting the mentioned products on the market and ordered their harmless destruction at a landfill.