DUI’s irresponsible behavior poses danger to peace and stability, says Mickoski


With its irresponsible behavior, DUI is threatening the interethnic landscape in the country and poses a threat to the peace and stability of Macedonia. As a Government, we will take all necessary measures to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Macedonia as a country. But in their essence, these messages are an attempt to stubbornly protect the wealth they habe acquired over the past 20 years in power, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski told “Fokus” when asked about DUI’s initiative to enshrine the principle of a “winner with winner” ruling coalition in law and a territorial reorganization based on the Belgian model.
Asked about the “winner with winner” principle, Mickoski said the will of the people is clear, and “those who are defeated should go to the opposition, while the winner creates the structure of the future Government”.

“The essence is to protect the capital they have gained in their 22 years on the political scene and 20 years in power. But I don’t exclude the possibility that certain groups and structures can be manipulated, and then challenge the territorial integrity and sovereignty, create a crisis. But as a Government, we have a task to defend this,” underlined the prime minister.

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