Humanitarian point opened for citizens who suffered from the Eastern Macedonia wildfires


A humanitarian point where material goods will be collected for the citizens who suffered from the wildfires in eastern part of the country will be opened as of Monday in Skopje. At this point, citizens will be able to take canned food, clothes, shoes, furniture, mattresses and various other material goods, which will then be taken to about 30 villages to about 400 households.
The action is coordinated by the coalition led by Humanitarian, Confederation of Trade Union Organizations of Macedonia KSOM and IPO International Police Organization.
“Our goal is to collect material and technical means, clothing, food as much as possible. Our focus is on the Ovchepole region. It would be frivolous to say that we can help for the entire eastern region, but we will focus on Sveti Nikole, Probishtip, Kratovo, Kumanovo, the move near Staro Nagorichane,” said the organizers.
The point will be next to East Gate Mall near the PE Communal Hygiene.

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