DUI’s script has been read, they want to defend officials who should be held accountable for crimes by staging protests, says VMRO-DPMNE


The scenario of DUI has been read, with the protests they want to defend the officials who should be held accountable for crimes, they the ruling party VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Friday.
“DUI knows that it has to provide answers about all the shady tenders, about the state lottery, about the road subcontractors, about Soravia, about the written-off debt of Musa Xhaferi’s son.
DUI is aware that there will be responsibility, and the protests and destabilization attempts are a basis for them to be able to take members to the street when their corrupt officials will have to answer to the institutions.
If DUI and SDS were honest, they would not change the Criminal Code in the face of a change in power and amnesty themselves for a large number of crimes. It is clear that both DUI and SDS are aware of what they have done, so they see the only chance for salvation in political pressure and invented theses for political arrangement,” said the ruling party.

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