Macedonians second angriest people in Europe, shows report


Macedonians are the second angriest nation in Europe, according to Gallup’s 2024 Global Emotions report, which measures people’s positive and negative experiences worldwide to give leaders insights into the emotional health of their societies that traditional economic indicators don’t capture.
Turkey takes the first place on the list, where 34 percent of the inhabitants express a certain amount of anger on a daily basis. Macedonians are second, with 26 percent of respondents who stated that they feel angry during the day. They are followed by Albanians and Montenegrins (24 percent), and then the Spaniards (23 percent).
In the region, Bulgaria, Serbia and Kosovo are somewhere near the bottom of the list, as between 11 and 13 percent of citizens from these three countries stated that they feel anger during the day. For Greeks, that figure stands at 21 percent.
The countries with the lowest percentage of anger on a daily basis in Europe are Finland and Estonia (7 percent), followed by Portugal (8 percent), followed by the Netherlands and Croatia (9 percent).

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