Director of the Public Transport Company (JSP) Dragi Kushovski confirmed in an interview with MIA that there is currently insufficient number of buses running to cover the timetable and urged the institutions to take steps to rebuild the bus fleet.
The timetable changes depending on how many buses JSP has on a daily basis, says Kushovski, pointing out that the company faces a shortage of 40 buses to fill the summer timetable. Currently, he says, JSP has around 190 buses, and 235 buses are needed to complete the summer timetable.
“I hope that the institutions will find the strength to help JSP, because we cannot cover the existing winter timetable with this vehicle fleet that we have. We’re not even close to covering it. We are doing some optimization within the enterprise, I don’t know if we will have enough time to start by September 1, because every optimization must go through the Council of the City of Skopje,” Kushovski said.