If Filipche had learned anything from history, he would not have accepted the role of scoundrel, executor and tender master of the Zaev cartel. If Filipche had learned from history, he would have known that history is not very forgiving.
They will not be forgiven for the procurement of vaccines with commissions, the tenders in REC Bitola, the burned “Besa Trans” bus and the modular hospital, the Oncology scandal and the theft from patients on their deathbeds, Grubi’s subcontractors and all the crimes and scandals because of which the people are evicted every day, said VMRO-DPMNE, as a reaction to the views expressed by Venko Filipche in an interview with Fokus.mk.
“When Filipche was announcing tenders in healthcare, we did not hear him say anything about the record borrowing which, unlike the very favorable Hungary loan now, then the money was distributed to the innovation fund instead of projects,” added the ruling party.