Why didn’t you react when Zoran Zaev and Venko Filipche were riding motorcycles outside the country’s borders a few years ago, accompanied by state security, the ‘Worth It’ coalition asked the opposition SDSM, which in turn accuses Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi of going to a wedding in Kosovo with state security and a state-owned car.
“We regret that SDSM is directing the anger about the election result to the wrong address. Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi, cannot be blamed for the fact that they were punished so harshly by the citizens. We urge SDSM to answer, why did they not react in the same way when Zoran Zaev and Venko Filipche rode motorcycles, outside the borders of North Macedonia, accompanied by state security? Was it then for them ethical and security protocol according to the law or scandalous behavior, as they now claim? Afrim Gashi and his family crossed the border in an orderly manner and he never crossed a single border crossing on foot, like some others,” said the coalition in a press release.