Macedonian Ministry of Interior said on Wednesday the Skopje police sector has concluded its investigation regarding yesterday’s shooting at the parking lot behind Mavrovka shopping mall, in which a 58-year-old man was killed.
“After measures taken and a quick reaction of the Skopje Police Department, special police forces, helicopters and drones, the perpetrator of the crimes E.K. (39) from Skopje was caught and taken into custody. Immediately afterwards, the Violent Crime Unit – Department for Blood and Sexual Offenses at the Skopje PD carried out site inspections, interviews with witnesses as well as searches of homes in several locations, video recordings were reviewed and a search was carried out in the field to secure material evidence such as vehicles, gun, shell casings and other seized items. The Department of Forensic Investigations at the Ministry of Interior carried out an expert examination of cartridges and a gun, which connect the two crimes with the perpetrator E.K. After providing all the evidential material, the Violent Crime Unit – Department for Blood and Sexual Offenses at the Skopje PD in coordination with the Skopje Public Prosecutor’s Office, against E.K. submitted a criminal report under a fast procedure due to the existence of grounds for suspicion of a crime murder punishable under Article 123 paragraph 2 point 4, the crime attempted murder, punishable under Article 123 in connection with Article 19 and the crime unauthorized production , possession, brokering and trading of weapons or explosive materials punishable under Article 396 of the Criminal Code,” said Interior Minister Toshkovski.