Customs agents over the past few days have prevented several attempts of smuggling counterfeit designer goods including clothes, bags, and watches as well as undeclared cigarettes and foreign currency.
• In several controls, 10,618 pieces of counterfeit clothing and accessories with the signature of famous brands such as Louis Vuitton, Armani, Gucci and Rolexwatches were seized. Misdemeanor charges have been filed against the perpetrators, and proceedings have been initiated for violation of intellectual property rights.
• At the Bogorodica border crossing, in four controls, 37,200 cigarettes were seized, for which the payment of import duties in the amount of 319,177 denars was avoided. The persons stated that they bought the cigarettes at a free-shop.
At the Tabanovce border crossing, a Macedonian national was stopped in an attempt to illegally take out 20,450 euros and seven thousand dollars. Two thousand euros were returned to the person, while the rest of the funds were confiscated. A charge of foreign currency offense was filed against the perpetrator.