At the invitation of the director, the deputy director, the people here at the Real Estate Cadastre Agency, we talked about all these I would say reforms that are being made, all these price reductions that are being made and which are important for the citizens, and from what I heard from the director, I can to conclude two things. The first thing is that the services for four, five, six and even more times become cheaper for the citizens, you heard from the director that up to a million euros per year will remain in the citizens’ wallets, it is very important to note that the services for four, five, six even more times will be cheaper for the citizens, said Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski on Friday.
“The second thing, which is also very important, is that the Cadastre is slowly but surely getting rid of crime. You noticed that thousands of cases were unsolved, the director is modest and does not want to say maybe details that law enforcement and investigations will have to deal with, but believe that there will be a lot to investigate. I appreciate that everything that in the past was the subject of a different relationship with the citizens and that’s why the crowd was created, i.e. the cases were not solved, will very soon come to light and they will be solved, even though now thousands of cases in these less than two months already receive a discharge, normally according to the applicable regulations, laws and the Constitution,” said PM Mickoski.