In an interview with Sitel TV, Macedonia Interior Minister Panche Toshkovski, asked about the announcements about conducting investigations in institutions that indicate major crimes, emphasized that there were, are and will be investigations and emphasized that they are conducted in a highly professional manner and expects strong effects from them.
I don’t remember in the last twenty years of Macedonia’s history, that a supreme judge or a member of Public Prosecutors Council was held accountable and previously admitted guilt that they had enriched themselves financially in the past period at the expense of the Macedonian citizens. Within the framework of a maximally professional procedure, the entire work was carried out. We will continue with evidence and facts, with concrete actions to work in the direction of the citizens’ interest. I expect more confessions for more crimes in the future. At the same time, everything that was robbed at the expense of the citizens should be returned to where it belongs,” says Minister Toshkovski.