‘Worth It’ coalition welcomes the decision on higher sentences for the “Laskarci” case, but the corrupt DUI obstructed justice


The ‘Worth It’ coalition welcomes the late but necessary decision of the Skopje Prosecutor’s Office to file an appeal against the unacceptably low and scandalous sentence imposed in the “Laskarci” buss accident case. We strongly support the demand for stiffer sentences for all other responsible persons involved in this tragedy. This terrible event, which was tried to be relativized and minimized by the previous regime with the corrupt staff of DUI, requires full and impartial justice, the coalition said in a press release.

“But the questions that arise are inevitable. Is this another case in which the moldy DUI staff is preventing the guilty from being deservedly punished and the truth being revealed? What role did Valdet Xhaferi, former director of the Bureau of Forensic Expertise, play in the deliberate postponement of the expertise of the Laskarci case? It is also necessary to find out if the owners of “Durmo Tours” are close to DUI, as is often said in the public, and if they are Talat Xhaferi’s collaborators. Why did all the institutions involved in this case fail to pass a fair and timely verdict? Who are they who are hiding behind these actions and trying to protect their narrow political interests, obstructing justice for the victims and their families,” reads the press release.

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