Government: Skopje residents need a swift solution, what the mayor is looking for is a purchase that takes a year and a half


The people of Skopje need a swift solution to get out of the situation, and what Arsovska is looking for is a process of purchasing buses that would last a year to a year and a half, says the Government in response to the open letter sent by Skopje Mayor Danela Arsovska addressed to Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski.
“Before Danela Arsovska offers that she would have put the money for new buses in a separate account, let her first pay the installments for the buses purchased by Shilegov, so that the Government does not pay her as it has been paying so far. Secondly, Danela Arsovska should pay the money she owes to the private carriers, whose operation fills the void of JSP with city traffic,” said the Government.
Arsovska demanded that the programs be voted on. We claim that the key to a successful city of Skopje is not the voting of programs, but efficient management. The programs have been voted on, and Arsovska is now coming up with a new excuse for its failure, according to the Government’s office response.

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