Filipche urges PPO to open investigation after Mickoski’s Corridor VIII allegations


The Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO) should open an investigation after PM Hristijan Mickoski’s statement involving Corridor VIII and the case involving the former culture minister should be investigated by the institutions as well, SDSM leader Venko Filipche said on Sunday.
Talking to reporters after the party protest for raising teachers’ wages, Filipche announced that he will have a meeting with Kostadinovska-Stojchevska on Sunday to discuss the accusations made by VMRO-DPMNE accused her that she spent budget funds for personal needs during a business trip.
“I scheduled a meeting with the former Minister of Culture for today. I insist that the institutions clear up that case and, if there is any responsibility, that anyone who committed any wrongdoing should bear responsibility for that matter. I want to condemn the fact that the Government uses all instruments of party PR to deal with this issue,” underlined Filipche.

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