Former minister bought two plane tickets with state funds to London for MKD 44,900, but didn’t go, accuses Lefkov


The former minister of culture could not get everywhere she wanted, she spent money on plane tickets, paid with an official state-owned credit card, and then did not go on a trip, money was going down the drain. This is not only the case with the 3000 euros paid for tickets to Dubai, it is also the case for two plane tickets paid for London. Bisera Antoaneta paid for two plane tickets on the route Prishtina – London in one direction in the amount of 44,900 thousand Macedonian denars, and then she did not take the trip and the money went down the drain, accused VMRO-DPMNE Mp and EC member Mile Lefkov.
“Although the trip did not take place, Bisera Antoaneta justified the money spent with the purchased tickets.
It is not the first time that Bisera Antoaneta buys plane tickets for thousands of euros, and then does not take the trip. The question arises very logically, if she had worked according to a plan and program, then it would have been very easy to predict where she could go and where she could not, it is obvious that Bisera Antoaneta booked her tickets and paid thousands of euros just because she thought that she could and wanted to walk everywhere,” said Lefkov.

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