Criminals won’t profit from the Corridor VIII project, i.e., the construction of the section to the border with Bulgaria, and the Government, together with Brussels, will find a technical solution, Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickosk said on Tuesday.
“We are in communication with the responsible in Brussels, we are ready for a technical dialogue. We have accepted the offer to participate in the process in Brussels in which we will find a technical solution together. And it’s good that we managed not to spend at least 500 million euros of Macedonian taxpayers’ money and 250 million euros of European taxpayers’ money in a procedure full of technical flaws and well-founded suspicions of corruption and crime,” Mickoski said.
“The tender commission now has no legitimacy to decide and I expect this tender procedure to be canceled for section 3 of Corridor VIII, i.e. the railway between Kumanovo and the Bulgarian border crossing,” added Mickoski.