Staff decisions in the Historical Commission with Bulgaria were not on the government session’s agenda, says PM


Staff decisions in the Historical Commission with Bulgaria were not discussed at the government session on Tuesday. As Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski informed, it will be discussed at one of the upcoming sessions.
Mickoski previously announced staff changes in the Joint Expert Commission for Historical and Educational Issues between N. Macedonia and Bulgaria. According to the Prime Minister, the current composition of the Commission from the Macedonian side did not live up to expectations and did not protect national interests.
Regarding the statements of the Commission’s president Dragi Georgiev, the Prime Minister said that Georgiev had compromised himself.
“I have commented on Georgiev many times in the past and I regret that he compromised himself, there was no need for anyone to compromise him in the past years by kneeling in front of ministerial and prime ministerial offices instead of minding his own business. But that’s his choice,” Mickoski said.

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