The prices of tourist arrangements in North Macedonia in July have increased more than in almost all European countries. While the average increase in the price of package arrangements in July in the European Union (EU) was 6.6 percent, according to Eurostat, in Macedonia the price of tourist packages increased by as much as 16.5 percent.
Compared to the countries of the region, there was also a high increase in package arrangements in Serbia, where arrangements for tourists in July increased in price by 15.2 percent, according to Eurostat data, reports Bloomberg Adria.
The arrangements in Croatia in July are higher by nine percent compared to the same period last year, in Slovenia by 6.7 percent, in Albania by 1.4 percent, while tourist arrangements in Montenegro are lower by one percent.
Higher prices of arrangements for tourists were recorded in Italy (19.5 percent), Cyprus (16.7), and North Macedonia and Serbia are right behind these countries.