Lithium batteries factory will enable exports of at least EUR 35 million


The new factory for lithium batteries in TIDZ in Skopje should bring exports of at least 35 million euros in the first year, Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski announced at the laying of the foundation stone of the new foreign investment on Wednesday.

The investment of the German company BMZ Group weighs 65 million euros, and according to the representative Jelica Ivanovska, the factory is already working with production lines in the premises of the former “Rade Konchar”.

The plant, which is expected to operate at full capacity in May, could open source markets in countries other than Germany, with which BMZ Group currently works the most. 40 production lines are planned in the first phase and up to 1,000 employees.

“Negotiations are underway for the expansion of two existing investments from foreign investors, as well as a new one from a powerful EU member, and it will be completed by the end of the year. I think that this will exhaust the potential of human investments of this type in our country. One cannot but be happy when an investment of 65 million euros is opened with a minimum of 750 employees, exports of 35-40 million euros are planned in the first years, a maximum of 60 million in the first three years, and further exports may reach up to 130 million euros,” said PM Mickoski.

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