The decision of the Constitutional Court on the Law on the Use of Languages will not contribute to any destabilization, Macedonian Prime Minister HristijanMickoskisaid on Thursday, answering a journalist’s question regarding the potential for destabilization after the decision of the Court, which should soon assess the constitutionality and legality of the controversial Law on the Use of Languages.
“I am a person who respects the Constitution and the laws and I don’t expect that anyone who is given a salary and has privileges at the citizens’ expense to disrespect Macedonian laws and the Constitution. I might have a problem with the Constitution, but no matter how intimately I disagree and am against it, such as using the adjective North before our country’s name, I will perform this duty and I will stand in front of that sign, becauseI don’t want to offend the Macedonian Constitution and Macedonian laws. Sometimes you may not like the reality, but you have to accept that reality if you really fight for the rule of law,” said Mickoski.