GoceDelchev 12 Street, Petrich is the address around which the millions owned by the Zaev and Filipche families revolve. This is the address that VenkoFilipche wanted to hide from the general public when he did not register his company established in Bulgaria.
Namely, the address at which VenkoFilipche’s company is registered in Bulgaria is the address at which a series of Zaev-owned companies were previously registered, among them the most famous is Medical 420 BG.
Medical 420 BG is the company in whose subsidiary in Bitola in 2022 narcotics worth 800 thousand euros were found, although the license of the same company was revoked a year earlier. This company in Macedonia received a license for the production of marijuana from the government of Zaev, who, when its license was revoked, exempted himself from decision-making, explaining that it was for his own private interest or the interest of a close person, said VMRO-DPMNE MP and party spokesperson MarijaMiteva in a press release on Thursday.