(PHOTO) Hong Kong-based Stabri – through which the Government tried to procure Chinese vaccines – has only three employees and no pharmaceutical portfolio


The phantom hotel company Starbi International through which the Macedonian Prime Minister ZoranZaev and his Minister of Health VenkoFilipche tried to procure vaccines from the Chinese company Sinopharm, has only three employees.

The company is registered in Samoa, an island nation in the Pacific Ocean where no transaction taxes are paid. The company was later registered in Hong Kong.

The website that mediates for offshore companies and international businesses states that Samoa provides a favorable tax system especially for international businesses.

Combined with many attractive business incentives, the island country is one of the best places to start an offshore company. Foreign companies operating there are exempt from all income taxes. In addition, many other local taxes and fees are also removed for foreign investors, namely capital gains tax, brand marks, dividends, earnings or interest from outside Samoa.

Samoa’s tax policy is designed to help international businesses do their best with low operating costs. In addition, the Samoan government also supports foreign investors with various business incentives and benefits. The advantages it offers include: No annual reporting, accounting or any requirements for financial audit, No capital required to start a company, Government business fees are relatively low,there is no foreign exchange control over all currencies, strong asset protection legislation, and complete political, economic and social stability, according to the website description.

According to the Hong Kong registry, the company has no medical or pharmaceutical portfolio. Coincidentally or not, the Starbi International company was registered in 2017, just five months after the formation of Zaev’s government.

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