Mickoski: Zaev threw himself down the drain when he got involved in crime and corruption


Zaev threw himself down the drain when he got involved in crime and corruption, and made Macedonia the most criminal and most corrupt country in Europe, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said on the “Good morning Serbia” show on Happy TV, adding that Zaev delivered none of the promises made to the Macedonian citizens.

Macedonia is the most criminal country in Europe at the moment, in the latest ranking of Transparency International Macedonia is 111th place, which means that there is no more corrupt and criminal country than Macedonia, said Mickoski.

Mickoski pointed out that the people live in misery and are disappointed that if 5 years ago we were the best in foreign investments, now there are none.

“In 2015, on the same list where we are now the most corrupt and most criminal at 111th place, we were the best in the Balkans with the lowest corruption and crime and we ranked 62nd, we were better than Croatia, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria. As for investments, a new factory was opened every week, and now after 52 months of SDSM government, we do not see anyone investing, and even domestic companies do not do that”, said Mickoski.

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