Poll: Convincing lead of VMRO-DPMNE over SDSM


The ISPOS Agency For the needs of VMRO-DPMNE conducted a field survey on the territory of the entire country from November 12 to 30, 2021, on a stratified representative sample of 1,010 respondents.

The results show:

  • Convincing lead of VMRO-DPMNE over SDSM of 7.2%.
  • The prevailing opinion is that Kastriot Rexhepi did not vote because he took money not to attend the session and not to vote 26%.
  • The majority of citizens, high 57% think that the country is moving in the wrong direction.
  • Most of the citizens think that the way out is early parliamentary elections 44.2%
  1. Asked, if early parliamentary elections were held tomorrow and only parties would run in those elections, and not coalitions, who would you vote for?
  • VMRO-DPMNE 22.5%
  • SDSM 15.3%
  • DUI 7.3%
  • Levica 5.2%
  • Alliance for Albanians 3.5%
  • Kasami’s BESA 1.8%
  • Vote for Macedonia 0.4%
  • LDP 0.3% • DOM 0.3%
  • Alternativa 0.3%
  • Gashi’s BESA 0.3%
  • Your party 0.3%
  • Democratic Union 0.2%
  • INTEGRA 0.2%
  • DPA 0.1%
  • NSDP 0.1%
  • Other 0.5%
  • Undecided 14.2%
  • Refuses to answer 20.2%
  • I will not vote 6.8%
  1. In your opinion, was the absence of the MP Kastriot Rexhepi?
  • Because he was kidnapped and forced by the SDSM-DUI coalition 13%
  • Because he really believes in what he wrote in his FB status that the country will get a date for negotiations with the EU and the dispute with Bulgaria will be resolved 17%
  • Because he has taken money not to attend the session and not to vote 26%
  • I do not know 29%
  • Refuses to answer 16%
  1. Generally the country moves in:
  • Right direction 31%
  • Wrong direction 57%
  1. Are you in favor of early parliamentary elections?
  • In favor 44.2%
  • Against 38.8%
  • I do not know 5.6%
  • Refuses to answer 11.4%
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