Foreign Minister Osmani: Language will not be negotiated with Bulgaria, and we have an agreement for five historical figures


The fact that there is a political government in Bulgaria already gives hope that two legitimate authorities can sit down and discuss all issues and give the first messages of optimism, said Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani in an interview with Bulgarian TV Nova.

Regarding the language, the Minister emphasized that it should be called as proposed by the European Commission (EC) – Macedonian language. According to Osmani, it cannot be part of a bilateral dispute. As a way out, the minister said, the proposal could be for the two countries to have their own unilateral views on the language, and for the EU to take note of that.

He assesses that the historical commission has made some progress and agreements have been reached on the texts for five historical figures and two periods and says that the same dynamics and recommendations for the textbooks should have been continued.

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