Difficult months ahead for the citizens and the economy – public debt to exceed EUR 8 billion


Today will be the second day of the debate on the 2022 Budget Review. From what the Macedonian public could see and hear, it is obvious that the MPs from the ruling majority do not live in reality. This supplementary budget is a direct proof that Macedonia is on the verge of bankruptcy, economically ruined, stolen and a country in which the citizens are impoverished on a daily basis, said MP from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE Igor Zdravkovski on Tuesday.

The opposition MP pointed out that Macedonia in 2022 will break another psychological border and public debt will exceed 8 billion euros.

“If on 48% of public debt SDSM said that a Greek scenario is not waiting for us, now what scenario is not waiting for us? Macedonia is one of the countries with the highest increase in public debt from the period before the corona crisis. Since they came to power in June 2017, they will have created a new net debt of over 3.5 billion euros by the end of this year, and capital expenditures have never been lower,” Zdravkovski said.

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