Kovachevski and Osmani are hiding the proposal, their harmful negotiations brought Macedonia to this position


I am holding today’s press conference on the topic of two manipulators, Dimitar Kovachevski and Bujar Osmani, VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonio Miloshoski on Friday.

“These two politicians, one the prime minister, the other the minister of foreign affairs, do not stop with the manipulations towards the Macedonian public, especially regarding the European integration process, the dispute with Bulgaria and the humiliating proposals which they accept, claim that they had some remarks, and lie that they have been modified. After the legendary lie of 2018 in which Bujar Osmani participated that we received a date for negotiations which we see that we do not have, another big lie happened yesterday with which Dimitar Kovachevski is trying to cover the debacle of Macedonian diplomacy. Prime Minister Kovachevski tried to manipulate journalists, the public and political parties that his “NO” in Brussels caused a substantial modification of the French proposal for a negotiation framework, only to be denied very quickly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of neighboring Bulgaria, and today it was also denied from the French ambassador in Sofia who has been accredited by Macron to be a representative and spokesperson for French politics as an ambassador. That’s why we ask Dimitar Kovachevski to stop these manipulations, publish the proposal and let the whole public see that this proposal is essentially the same as the one for which the Macedonian public has already built a broad consensus that it is unfavorable for the state, it is humiliating, it does not resolve disputes with Bulgaria is not taking us to the goal that we have been imagining for the past 20 years, which is full membership in the EU. For such a proposal, it is not enough for Kovachevski to consult only with the coalition partners and with selected non-governmental or pro-government associations, for such an unfavorable proposal of a negotiating framework, which is a major debacle for Macedonian diplomacy, the Government should resign, call early parliamentary elections and the people to decide how he thinks the Republic of Macedonia should continue to move in the right direction. VMRO-DPMNE feels the citizens’ revolt, the justified dissatisfaction that accumulates due to the manipulation of Kovachevski and Bujar Osmani, and VMRO-DPMNE is considering all possible democratic options for channeling that revolt in the Assembly and outside the Parliament,” Miloshoski pointed out.


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